Old Friends

One of the great benefits of my job is that I get to travel all across the country. In my 23 years, I have met enough people that could easily allow me to travel across the continent and never need a hotel. Last year, I spent time with my cousin who lives in San Diego- and I haven’t seen him since. I also spent time with great friends in the DC area and reunited with a friend from college on my trip to Chicago in July. Recently, I’ve gotten the chance to see some of these people that have moved away from my hometown.

On my way to Texas a couple weeks ago we had a hotel in Tallahassee for a night. One of my best friends from high school goes to FSU and it was great to see Casey and his life down there. We went to a karaoke night, but he would sing…so he had to listen to me sing.

A few nights ago I saw old family friends I hadn’t seen in 14 years! Mike and Sherry were very involved in both churches I attended as a kid and Sherry was the closest to a Children’s Pastor that I ever had. Both my sister and I still remember her telling us to just say “Watermelon, watermelon” if we forgot the words in a children’s choir performance because it would look like we were saying the real words! We also had the best Vacation Bible Schools! It was so great to see them. Although our lives I have changed a lot in the past 14 years, it was like no time had passed. They are the same sweet people they were when I was a kid!

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