The Summer List

Wow. It’s been awhile. I’m not sure if I still remember how to write…

So there’s not really anything exciting going on here. I’m just crossing things off my summer to-do list. Among the things accomplished so far: order pictures from the trip, get a haircut, buy two sets of wedding shoes, enter some contests, watch every season I own of Mad About You and every episode ever made of 30 Rock. Jealous?! I’ve also been working a lot. And by a lot I mean I get up and go to work 8.5 hours a day, 5 days a week like millions of other Americans. I used to love work, I couldn’t get enough of it…but now…not so much, no. I really like the job I have, but I really like not being there. Life on the road ruined me.

The most recent development in my life this week is that I have started tanning again. Now my best friend finds this hysterical and if you have ever met me (which hopefully you have since you’re reading this. If not, that means that you read strangers’ blogs as a hobby….and it’s not like I’m writing about some subject matter that you can’t get enough of like politics, or success, or computer programming…I just tell quaint little stories most of the time. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming….) you probably find this hysterical. I should have considered this before I went, but I’ve gone twice this summer and I now wake up in pain. It hurts to walk, hurts to sit, hurts to wear clothes, and hurts to breathe, but if I look killer in those bridesmaid dresses, it will be worth it! I swore I would never do stuff like this, because so many people spend time developing their looks when their minds need much, much more work (ask and I’ll give you some examples), but my short-sleeve tan lines do not match my strapless dress.

And now, for the most exciting news of my summer…I’ve decided to take improv performance and comedy writing classes at Second City in Chicago this year. If you don’t know what Second City is, look it up…you’ll be amazed how many people you recognize that have trained there. Anyway, I’m heading out there July 13th for a week long intensive and we’ll see where that leads. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m excited. I’ve wanted to do this since I was in Jr High or High School and I finally get to go!

Tomorrow morning at 11AM I’ll be playing guitar somewhere in Moraine State Park here in PA for a church service. I don’t know where, but if you’re in the area listen for some lovely music then you will know I’m not over there and can look elsewhere.

Hope you all are having exciting summers!

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