The End? Or The Beginning?

Hopefully I’ve made it through.  I’ve had Writer’s Block for about four months now.  I used to scoff at Writer’s Block.  The closest I ever came was playing with those baby blocks that have letters on them.  They are blocks and I write with them.  I usually have a lot to say and not enough time to say it.  Who would ever not know what to write?   And then it happened…

Truth be told when it struck in November I was really busy at work.  Short cruises multiplied my workload and I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water (figuratively, of course).  I had enough time to go out to lunch and take a nap and a swim at No Name Bar in Cozumel.  I tried to write, but I just covered my entire life in the last two sentences so I didn’t have much inspiration.

Then I came home.  Again, not much inspiration.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved my time here at home. But I didn’t think you all wanted to read about me sleeping, Christmas shopping, baking brownies, balancing my checkbook, backing up the files on my laptop, or watching every episode of “Castle.”  Maybe I was wrong.  “Castle” is a great show…I’m sure I could write some about that.

Well, I’m not making any promises in regards to future posts, but I have finally written something (in addition to this post).  I’ve written an article on the art of belly flopping for BroCouncil.  Please take the time to check it out and have a look around the site while you are there.  It’s got great stuff for you if you are a bro or know a bro.  The bros at BroCouncil were kind enough to publish my article despite my lack of bro status.  Enjoy!  Forget a Six Pack, Go for the Belly Flop Body

Off to watch some more “Castle!”

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