La Sagrada Familia

I admit it.  I don’t know much about art.  I was forced to take a course on it in college, but I can’t say I remember that much.  I do remember learning about artwork in or on churches around the world- especially in Europe.  I learned it long enough for the test and then let is slip out of my mind- never thinking I would actually see some of those places.  
I visited one of the most unique churches in the world five days ago- La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain.  The architect was Antoni Gaudi- a name I vaguely remember from class.  They broke ground in 1882 and expect to complete the church in 2026.  Yes, I typed that correct.  The church has been under construction for 130 years!  They hope to finish it on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death. Knowing the project would take a long time, Gaudi once remarked “My client is not in a hurry.”

Two of the three facades have been completed.  The first I visited is known as the Passion Facade.  It depicts scenes from Christ’s last days.  Two massive bronze doors are in the center and are embossed with the scriptures that the various scenes represent.
The other facade is the Nativity Facade and depicts scenes from Christ’s birth.  It culminates in the Tree of Life at the top.

The third facade is the Glory Facade, but it is not yet completed and was covered with a tarp while I was there.
Inside the basilica, the supporting pillars are designed to look like tree trunks and when you look up it really looks like a canopy of branches and foliage.  Everything is ornate and unique.  It is so hard to describe as it is unlike anything I have ever seen- there is no comparison I can make.  Even these pictures cannot show how distinctive this place is.
Work continues every day on multiple areas of the church.  I could hear work being done outside and some stained glass panels were being installed inside.  It is said that the work passed the halfway point a few years ago.  As amazing as this church is, it’s hard to imagine that I have only seen approximately half of the finished product.   I guess I need to take another trip to Barcelona in 15 to 20 years.  Anyone plan on needing a vacation then?

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