Headed South…Again

First off… a big shout out to Denny Pattyn– President and Founder of SRT who recently revealed that he is a “Road Lots Traveled Reader.”

We are currently zipping through Virginia on our way to South Carolina. And by “zipping” I mean nearly sitting still in traffic. The only words spoken on the bus at this time are “I’m hungry!” and “I think my stomach is eating my spine!” Some dinner might be a good idea.

We just had a couple days doing repairs in Pittsburgh. The tour is less than half over, and it’s amazing all of the stuff we have destroyed already! As far as my department (video) goes, we’ve lost a couple of cables and distribution amps due to wear and tear, but we’re restocked now and good to go.

Like I said, we’re on our way to South Carolina. We have shows there on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday- our first run of 3 in row. On Monday we drop some team members off at the Charlotte Airport before driving back to Pittsburgh. I should be home for a touch over 3 days before leaving the day after Thanksgiving for Charleston, South Carolina. After that I have 2 shows in Michigan before having a month off for Christmas.

I’m really sorry nothing exciting is going on. Things are pretty boring here. I’ve been watching a lot of House MD and starting my Christmas shopping. Let’s hope something exciting happens soon.

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