Discovery Bay and Golden Gate

We’re back on the road now after what seemed like a lifetime in Oakland. We had a lot of down time, but yesterday we went back to Discovery Bay. We stopped here in the fall and we were happy to go back again. Discovery Bay is a river system in the middle of nowhere south of San Francisco. I’m fairly aquatic and I’ve been on many bodies of water, but Discovery Bay is like nothing I have ever seen. It is full of many small canals and several are lined with million dollar homes. Our tour manager’s brother-in-law has a home, a boat, and a couple jet skis on the bay and has been gracious enough to show us around. When we were there in the fall, both jet skis were in the shop and he only had a wakeboard for the boat. I think I had tried wakeboarding several years ago and let’s just say that I was less than successful. I was one of the last people to go that day and no one had been having much success…lots of funny pictures, but not lots of wakeboarding. I put the board on, jumped in, and gave it a try. Much to my surprise (and every one else’s) I got right up! I rode around for awhile and eventually fell. When the boat came back around to get me I yelled from the water, “Now what’s so hard about that!” I truly have no idea why it came so easy for me that day, but I’m glad it did.

This time, the guy with the boat (George) just bought a kneeboard. I’m usually less than successful on wakeboards, but I know my way around a kneeboard. George bought the kneeboard for $5 at a yard sale and it was one of the best boards I have ever used. It was great! I got right up and took a nice long ride on the most beautiful water I have ever been on. I wipeout free day is a good day!

I also got some good pictures this time.

This is my friend Jack on the wakeboard.

The jet skis were pretty fun too. The only time I had ever been on a jet ski was with my aunt. All I remember is that we flipped it and couldn’t get back on in the water so we had to push it to shore and try again. This time was much better! I got it up to about 55mph. Zipping through the rivers as I was passing expensive yachts and huge houses was pretty cool.

We’re on our way to Eureka, CA right now and we hope to go see the giant redwoods tomorrow. On our way north we drove across the Golden Gate bridge. We’ve been to San Francisco before, but we couldn’t get close to the bridge. We had to go way out of our way and through lots of traffic, but now we can say we’ve done it. As soon as the bridge came into view, Eric started singing the theme song to “Full House.” Soon we all joined in and it really added to the moment. We drove across the bridge and parked at the other end to take some pictures. I was nice, I guess. It’s pretty much like every other bridge I have ever been on except it is orange.

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