All By Myself

I made it back! A week ago I returned from 10 days in North and South Dakota. It was a solo trip and could not have gone any better! I had an amazing time and I can’t wait to share all of the places I discovered with you.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park North Unit
As incredible as the trip was, I was scared going into it. I talk a good game, but being alone and in new situations is still scary for me. Here’s a little note I wrote on the plane:

All By Myself

I like traveling alone.
I’ve told myself that for the past 8 years. When I started traveling, I soon realized that everyone has different objectives. If there was something I wanted to see or do, I just needed to go see it or do it. Even if no one came with me. Even if I was alone.
I used to explore new cities on my own before meeting up with the rest of the group I was traveling with or getting back on the ship. In the past couple years I’ve kicked it up a notch and I’ve started taking entire trips on my own. And you know what? It’s pretty awesome.
When you travel by yourself you get to be 100% selfish. That sounds horrible, doesn’t it? Selfishness has a connotation with it, but if you’re a decent and respectful human being you are probably constantly looking out for and thinking of others. Everyone needs some downtime to look after themselves. During solo travel you have no one else’s schedule to mind or needs to meet. If you want to blow off plans you had, do it! If you want to eat at the trendiest place in town, do it! If you want to spend the day shopping, sleeping, watching movies, hiking, or people watching, DO IT!
One of my favorite things about solo travel is how strong it forces me to be. There is no one else on whom to rely or fall back. If there’s a problem, I solve it. Sure it’s scary. Sure I end up completely overwhelmed and crying in my rental car on occasion. But then I pull myself together and move forward. And suddenly I’m stronger than I’ve ever been because I have no other choice. And it’s funny how all of the problems of my regular life look much smaller now that I’ve been hiking in Alaska alone.
So today I’m off on another solo trek. It’s already been overwhelming. I nearly cried this morning. It took a lot of extra time and walking to find my bus stop when I went the wrong way. I’m worried there will be complications with my rental car when I pick it up tonight. Lots of things could go wrong, but so many things are already going right. I’m visiting a state I’ve never been to, seeing 6 National Parks, catching up with old friends, challenging myself, and shaking up my routine. I’m scared, but I’m ready. And most of all, I’m excited for all I’ll experience this week!
I no longer have to tell myself, “I like solo travel.” Because I honestly do.

Your Turn

Where have you gone alone? What is your dream solo getaway?
Go. Live.
ps. Not alone travel is great too 🙂 I’m not saying solo travel is the only way to go, but I think it’s good to not let the fear of being alone ever stop you from doing something you want to do.


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