Seven Professional Ice Skaters and Two Broadcast Technicians Climb a Mountain

 Who do you think makes it to the top first?

Villefranche is a small town nestled between Nice and Monaco in the French Riviera.  Prior to working on cruise ships I had never heard of this town, but a few years ago a very good friend of mine showed me pictures of here and could not stop talking about how much he loved it.  After two and half years, I am finally on a ship that comes here and I get to see it for myself. 
While I’m very excited to walk the narrow streets and have a pepperoni pizza in Cafe dell Arte, it will have to wait awhile.  On my first visit I was invited by a colleague to join him and some ice skaters on a hike to the hilltop village of Eze (pronounced like Pez, the candy, minus the P).

We took the 100 bus from Villefranche to the base of Eze Mountain, or whatever the hill is called, for 1 euro.  Now I was told we were going on a hike.  Thinking I would be walking through fields of wildflowers or something similar I had on a sturdy pair of jeans, sneakers, and my backpack.  I was surprised to find it less of a “hike” and more of a “stair climb.”  The beginning of the journey was comprised of large rock stairs that go up and up and up until you eventually get to a trail, followed by a rotation of stairs and trails.  This path was actually easier than a few of the ones I have done in Acadia, but the combination of being sick for a week before and wearing heavy denim on a warm day slowed me down (at least that’s what I’ll blame it on- it couldn’t possibly be the pizzas and gelato could it?).

Out of our group, the US National Champion figure skater made it up the mountain first in a little over 20 minutes.  The other six ice skaters were between the 30 and 40 minute marks.  The two of us technicians were not unpleased with our time of 1 hour and 10 minutes!
After we finally made it to the top we didn’t really have much time before we had to head back down the hill.  But, I took a few minutes and went to the botanical garden that is at the very tippy, top of the mountain.  You had to pay to get in there and I was a little insulted by that- I just climbed this mountain from sea level and now you tell me that I have to pay to reach the summit!  But how could I come all that way and not get to the top?
From the top you could see all the way back to the ship in Villefranche.  It really is an amazing view from up there.  

There was a deck built into the mountain with water beneath it.  It was a nice design, one I would like to have as a deck on my house- if I ever get a house.

Just as we were preparing for the walk down the mountain, it started to thunder.  Many wanted to take the bus and waited around at the top wondering if it would rain on us.  Instead of wasting time chatting and essentially waiting for the rain, I headed down the mountain.  Two-thirds of the way down it started raining giant rain drops, first slowly then at a downpour.  After all of our group reached the bus stop it began to hail! However, I am happy to report that the two Broadcast Technicians were the first ones down the mountain.
The path we walked is an old mule path used to deliver supplies to Eze.  It is also known as Nietzsche’s Path as he frequently visited Eze and like to walk this route.
I hope to have more adventures this cruise so check back for more blogs.  I think I’m going to Monaco in a couple days and I want to go to Pompeii very soon.  Stay tuned!

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