#100by100 Update

It’s been a year since my National Parks project began. For those of you new to the blog, I’m attempting to see 100 sites managed by the National Park Service before the Park Service turns 100 on August 25, 2016.  I devised this challenge when I planned a birthday trip for myself to Antietam National Battlefield. Including that trip, I’ve seen 30 National Park Sites in the last year.
One of the main reasons for the National Park Project was to give me a reason to go. Most of us lead lives of good intentions, “I really want to go there. But I can’t today.” “I really want to see that. I’ll go someday.” But days and time pass and our good intentions never materialize into actions. I had good intentions. What I needed was a goal to work towards.
And since setting that goal, I’ve been working! It’s been fun work, but work nonetheless. This certainly hasn’t been a year of sitting on the couch. It’s been a year of hiking, biking, driving, flying, exploration, and education. Our National Parks have made me far richer than I ever could have imagined. I am overwhelmed by how much there is to see and learn and how accessible it all is. I’m also deeply saddened by the fact that so few people experience it and that it has taken me this long to really jump in and make seeing the parks a priority.
There are 407 areas managed by the National Park Service. So, my seemingly insurmountable goal will leave me with over 75% yet to see! This country is rich with history and beauty and opportunities to discover it are everywhere. You can see a list of all the sites and their designations HERE.
Visiting a National Park Site doesn’t need to be an epic weeklong trip to Yellowstone. Of course that would be fantastic, but with a little research I suspect you will find a site nearby you haven’t yet explored. I took on this project because I realized I was surrounded by National Parks, but it was easier for me to pass them than stop. In fact, there are 15 sites in my home state of Pennsylvania. A year ago I had only visited 3. I saw 5 more this year and learned about everything from Edgar Allen Poe, to railroads, to 9/11.
I’m headed to Great Smoky Mountain National Park for my birthday this weekend. It will be my 70th park and that means I’ll have 30 parks left to see on the day I turn 30! I’m excited to explore the Smoky Mountains so stay tuned for photos and updates.


But I also wanted to let you know that I’m giving one of you a gift for my birthday. My National Parks Project was mentioned in the current issue (April 2015) of National Geographic Traveler by my friend and mentor Norie Quintos. Purchase a copy of the issue, post a photo of yourself with it to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, use my #100by100 hashtag, and tag me in it if possible (@valeriedperry). I’ll randomly select one of the entrants and you’ll win a yearlong subscription to Traveler. But hurry, you only have until March 20th to enter.
National Geographic Traveler #100by100 cover
National Geographic Traveler #100by100 article
If you’d like to get me a gift this year, go spend a day in a park. This world will be a better place when we can all slow down enough to go for a hike and take a deep breath of mountain air.
Go. Live.

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